My first lesson in smu; TWC. It was quite an eye opener to me, i felt. Never really thought or knew much about technology and how it changes the world. Only technology related stuffs i knew about was handphones and the Internet. Never really put into thoughts on how it changes the world. I found it interesting to find out how much the world has actually changed over the years due to technology, looking at the timeline of civilization.
The thing that left the deepest impression in me was actually from reading 3; the perspective on science and technology in the Middle East between the 7th century and today. I really enjoyed this 'article' because i never knew that the Middle east countries were actually a major centre of learning and it was actually the knowledge of the Muslims which allowed Europe to emerge into the Renaissance. The article ended off by saying that one factor which determines the ability to access new technology is public openness, which led me to the statement discussed during lesson; Technology is easy. People is hard. I agree with this statement due to some people who still holds the traditional mindset, who are rigid to changes.Trying to introduce technology into their lives would be a difficult task. So no matter how easy it is to embrace the changes of technology, it's difficult to get it across people as they will not be willing to listen and learn, especially people of the previous generation.
I thought that this lesson was interesting, however quite overwhelming as well, looking at all the presentations that we have to prepare. (But i guess that's uni haha XD) Still, i would rate a 7.5 for this class as i thought the topics and discussions brought up was engaging and not dry. I was able to pay attention throughout(:
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